Hitotsubashi University
School of Social Data Science
Graphics and Vision Labratory


May 21, 2024
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with the University of Tokyo and Konica Minolta, Inc. has been published in Journal of Nondestructive Testing. [Reference]
Mar 16, 2024
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa and the University of Tokyo has been presented at IEEE VR. [Reference]
Feb 9, 2024
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa and the University of Tokyo has been published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. [Reference] [Paper]
Jan 7, 2024
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with the University of Tokyo and Konica Minolta, Inc. has been presented at International Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT) 2024 at Wels, Austria. [Reference]
Jan 4, 2024
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with Arizona State University and Chiba University has been presented at IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision at Hawaii, USA. [Reference]
Dec 20, 2023
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with Waseda University received the student’s outstanding presentation award from IPSJ SIG-CGVI. [Reference (JP)]
Dec 5, 2023
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with the University of Tokyo and Lattice Technology Co.,Ltd. has been published in Advanced Engineering Informatics. [Reference]
Oct 8, 2023
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with Waseda University and Chiba University has been presented at IEEE International Conference on Image Processing at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Reference] [Paper]
Oct 2, 2023
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with the University of Tokyo has been presented at IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop at Paris, France. [Reference] [Paper]
Sep 20, 2023
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with Chiba University and Waseda University received the FORUM 8 award in Visual Computing 2023 (domestic conference). [Reference (JP)]
Sep 17, 2023
Dr. Yatagawa gave a tutorial talk, “Deep Learning for 3D Meshes” (in Japanese) at Visual Computing 2023. [Reference (JP)] [Slides (JP)]
Jun 8, 2023
Dr. Yatagawa received the “Academic Encouragement Award” from Japan Society of Nondestructive Inspection (JSNDI).
Feb 28, 2023
Joint research of Dr. Yatagawa with Waseda University and Chiba University received the “Best Presentation Award” from JSPS SIG-CGVI. [Reference]
Oct 1, 2022
Graphics and Vision Lab. by Tatsuya Yatagawa is launched at the Faculty of Social Data Science, Hitotsubashi University. [Reference]